Follow my Flipboard Magazine After Action

Follow my Flipboard Magazine After Action

I created a magazine on Flipboard called After Action. After Action features mainly wargame-centric articles, reviews and after action reports. I tend to feature mostly naval and modern land warfare games. I include board games and games that can be played on various...

When Good Game Stores Go Good: Endgame

Well, the game store I blogged about in a previous post has closed its doors after 15 years of serving Atlanta. I wonder if it is the current state of the economy or the fact that when they moved locations they lost clientèle. I’m not sure. I’m sure...
Flat Top: Build a Better Box

Flat Top: Build a Better Box

I’m I guess what you would call a casual user of I don’t spend a great deal of time there due to the fact I can start looking around about 10:00pm and before you know it, it’s 1:00am. It is a site that is a wonderfully fun...

When Good Game Stores Go Good

I don’t know what it is, but part of the appeal of going into a game store is going somewhere that’s kind of a not a bad place to be but not a real nice one either. My local game store (I say local when it was a good 40 minute drive with no traffic) moved...
Gaming Goodies Page

Gaming Goodies Page

Seems weird posting about a page but one of the things about the previous incarnation of Big Think Games that was popular was the Gaming Goodies Page. I kept a list of hard to find or interesting supplements, alternate rules, game play utilities and other various and...